European Junior Cycling Tour in Assen 2024

We were blessed to have several members & 2nd claim members at this historic event last week.

MACSEN HARRIS (First claim)

What an incredible experience we all had, the organisation left no stone unturned, every detail was to point. During the first stage, “Macsen was out of his depth, as he has limited experience in such a large field” Macsen’s dad Darren said. Macsen learned a lot, from rubbing shoulders with other riders, to having to get through a crash that occurred in front of him then riding over a wheel to carry on with the stage.

Macsen giving the race his all.

“We saw Macsen grow from strength to strength this week, understanding what “He” needed to do to hang on to the blistering pace of the peloton” Darren continued.

Macsen continuing to develop his cycling skills, in a race situation surrounded by a large peloton.

Macsen said that he was very nervous at the start, as he had never competed in such a large event like this before. He said “I was pushed and knocked about but I soon learned to put my elbows out and I needed to be strong. I had loads of advice and support from other riders and coaches which helped me become more confident as the stages went on. My favourite stage was the stage around the campsite, as I got to experience racing on cobbles!. I didn’t really get the results that I wanted, but I had a great time and made some great friends along the way. Assen, I will be back bigger and stronger next year!!”.


Daisy was Category 2 and Jess was Category 5.

Day 1 was fantastic, sunny weather for the 1.8km town centre Crit. Daisy had 4 laps, Jess had 9 laps. Daisy came round to the final straight towards the front of the group and sprinted to finish third overall 🥉 and first girl! Jess found positioning difficult in the narrow twisty roads as her bunch was very large, finished in the pack 26/55 riders, 7/17 girls.

Day 2 was a 5.3km flat three sided tarmac loop in the countryside with two narrow roads. Daisy had 2 laps and was delighted to race in the pink jersey 👚and started strongly.

Daisy Duffield rode incredibly well, and was proud to wear the pink jersey of race leader.

Unfortunately a touch of wheels with another girl half a lap into the race caused her to crash. She was assisted by the neutral service car as her handlebars were stuck through her frame. She chased valiantly to the finish, 1.5laps on her own. As the crash was outside the 3km rule, she lost the time in GC, leaving her 2mins down and 5th girl. Torn pink jersey, cuts and scrapes to body and bike.

Sadly, due to the crash Daisy came down hard, and battled on cut and briused.

Jess preferred this course to stage 1 as there were fewer corners. There was also a first lap crash in her race, and she was held up but not injured, restarted into the second group on the road and bridged to the first group and stayed in the bunch to the finish, 28/55, moved up to 19th on GC, 3rd girl.

Day 3 was the Col du Vam cobbled hill climb stage. Daisy was sore but keen to race despite her crash. She had 6 laps on a loop below the Vamberg, finished in the bunch, 4th girl, 7th overall.

Jess did well over 4 laps of the steep cobbled climb, with some flat straights at the bottom, gaining in confidence on the high speed descent. Finished 4th girl, 21/55, up to 18th on GC, 2nd girl.

Day 4 was the Time Trial. Daisy 3km flat, Jess 8km mostly flat.

Jess Duffield – Waiting before the start.

Daisy felt strong and averaged 35kph to finish 9/21 and 2nd girl. Jess didn’t feel her best and was disappointed with her time, finishing 31/55, now 21st on GC, 3rd girl, 3seconds behind 2nd girl.

Day 5, flat 3.8km loop with tarmac and brick cobbled sections. Daisy had 2 laps and rode well to finish in the bunch 9/21, 3rd girl.

Jess knew it would be hard to gain time to get back to 2nd girl on GC but aimed to stay at the front in case the pack split. Finished in the bunch 17/55, 3rd girl, moving up to 18th on GC and 3rd girl 💐🥉

Jess Duffield being very proud to have placed 3rd girl.

Daisy says the racing was fun and she loved winning the pink jersey and getting a cool medal for third overall on Stage1. She showed determination to finish Stage2 and the rest of the week with several grazes.

Coming straight from the MTB season, Jess found the change in racing style challenging. Super fast paced in a bunch of 55 riders on some narrow roads, but grew in confidence throughout the week, feeling much more able to move around the group. Chuffed to finish third on the girls podium only 3 seconds off second place, highest British girl finisher in Category 5.

Jess Duffield on the podium

Daisy Duffield raises her arms on the podium.


Archie said “The best race I have ever done. I liked the fact it was a multi day. I also got to hang out with my mates too”.

Archie Harvey on the start line, looking casual.

George said “I loved it. I really liked the time trial as you don’t get to do TT’s when you’re my age. The mountain stage was fun too”.

George Harvey, ready to race

Both Archie & George loved the proper pro start with the Chief Commissaire out of the top of the car.


Day 1 Assen Junior Tour. Fast paced Crit race, finished 7th of 66, with some decent sprints in the points laps 3rd & 4th. 🚴‍♂️

Stage 2 Assen, narrow 5.3km flat loop 5 laps. Good start getting 4th in the sprint for the White jersey, then got caught up in a big pile up on lap 3rd lap, chain jammed, gears playing up plus a few cuts and bruises. Managed to fix the chain and chase back on to the peloton, but missed out on the green jersey sprint and finished in the bunch. 🚴‍♂️

Assen stage 3, really hard race today due to crazy gridding rules not based on GC position. 5 laps of the Van Berg 6km loop with steep hill with cobbled section.

Starting from the back of the field bridged the gap to the lead group and managed to get to 19th on the first lap. 2nd lap got to 9th but started to feel it on the 3rd dropping a few places. Continued to work hard finished 16th, couldn’t have done anymore. TT tomorrow 🚴‍♂️

Well that’s another Assen Tour done. Yesterday I felt tired for the TT, today did pretty good in the Crit finishing 11th with a couple of decent sprint laps.

Overall pretty happy with my performance this year, 2nd stage crash messed things up up bit, finished 16th GC, 6th Sprint & 9th KOM.

Laurence ready for the race ahead.

RUDY LEGG (2nd Claim)

Stage 1: Stayed with the bunch for the race, just got the wrong side of a gap on finish sprint. 37/55

Stage 2: Got held up behind crash on lap 1 had to run around on the grass and remount. Ended up in second group leading the chase to bridge back to group 1. Got back to group by end of lap 2 and got 26th in the bunch sprint. Moved up to 28th on GC.

Stage 3: The cobbled hill climb. Worked really hard 4 times up the hill. Ended up finishing solo between group 1 and 2 in 20th moving up to 17 on GC.

Stage 4: Had a great TT. The course really suited me, staying low out of the wind, finishing 11th out of 55, stayed in 17th on GC.

Stage 5: 5 laps of the tarmac and brick cobbled circuit through the trees. Moved well through the bunch and stayed with the front group until an unfortunate fall on the last half lap meant coming in 15 secs off the bunch. 40th of 55 on stage but moved up to finish 14th in GC.

Rudy powering on through the sunshine

Congratulations to everyone that rode, we are all so very proud of you all.